So, once I'm back to normal, I'm going to make a few changes in my experiment, mostly with using low-carb and or sugar-free recipes. Any tips or recipe suggestions, please bring it on!
I have found IMHO the best yogurt, Siggi's. Unfortunately, I found it at Whole Paycheck, but it is sooo good and uses agave as a sweetener. The Orange-Ginger, in particular is super. Crystal Light popsicles have the consistency of a granita, and are yummy, too. I have only seen them at Ralph's, locally, but am keeping an eye out elsewhere. And, I add mandarin oranges to sugar-free Jello in Strawberry Banana or Orange flavors, and this comes out pretty well.
And so, my sugar and carb days are over. It's a line I've said before, but now, must be carried to fruition. Hope to post something less dour by the end of the week, when I've kicked this cold.